Stock Taking

Description: Wsd Stock Taking is an application for managing the 棚卸 of your organization. We should probably start this page with a call to action, asking if people want to remove paper from their organization and streamline their back office.

Data Flow

For the top image, I guess we should show a overall flow for the application.


To start off we should probably write about what the application, who it's for, how to deploy it, how to use it, and what the pricing is. In terms of the format for this page, we should probably start with the iPad and work our way up.

Platform: Hybrid Cloud (we deploy in the cloud, you keep the data)
Devices: Tablet and Desktop

Take Stock (On Site)

Bootstrap Themes
  • The application starts with taking stock on site
  • Stock taking takes place via a tablet such as an iPad
  • The tablet interface is designed to be simple for anyone to be able.
  • Once stock taking has been completed on site, the report is them submitted to a super visor for confirmation.

Review Reports

Bootstrap Themes
  • Supervisors will have a change to review the report.
  • Values can be changed or adjusted as needed.
  • One supervisor has the option to oversee various locations
  • Once the supervisor has signed off on the report, it can be reviewed by the accounting department.

Finalize Reports

  • We provide an admin suite for tracking the status of all of the stock taking reports.
  • The admin can track who is supposed to do what, and then track if they've done it or not.
  • When a supervisor signs off on a report, it is subitted to the admin for the final review.
  • Once reviews are complete, they are stored in the database.
  • Completed inventory reports can be exported as CSV files.

Now that we're at the end, I guess we should provide some final context. Who are we marketing this application towards? (recycle plants).
How much is pricing for one organization?
Do we provide the option to custimize?
Do we provide the option for a limited free trial?
How can someone get in touch with us to start using this?

Finally we should probably finish off with a contact form.
Or maybe potentially a link to a sandboxed environment.